A finished game isn’t one big idea, or half a dozen. It’s hundreds of thousands. You start off choosing the speed of the bike and end up choosing the speed the text scrolls in the tutorial. The scary things are the tiny choices that can make or ruin your game just as easily as those big obvious decisions at the start. Right now we’re at that stage where we have to be perfectionists, every little problem a land mine to diffuse.
“I could easy be a games designer.” | Edge Online
June 1st, 2010Bookmarks for May 24th through June 1st
June 1st, 2010These are my links for May 24th through June 1st:
- One-Roll Engine – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – The One-Roll Engine (or O.R.E.) is a generic role-playing game system developed by Greg Stolze for the alternate history superhero roleplaying game Godlike.
- Wushu – Wushu Wiki ( Saberpunk.net ) – Wushu is a roleplaying game by Daniel Bayn, released under a Creative Commons license. Wushu rewards vivid, creative stunts, making it an ideal system for games based on action movies, adventure comics, and many other media.
- Ludus Novus » Blog Archive » LORE and Belief Released – LORE is an attempt to address some of the common problems with tabletop RPGs. It has an interesting dice system; a quick, easy, and original character creation system; and a system that’s lightweight, because roleplaying happens beyond the rules.
- Open Game License – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – The Open Game License (or OGL) is an open content license designed for role-playing games.
- Ellis Nadler – Cards of Wu –
- The Three Christs of Ypsilanti: What happens when three men who identify as Jesus are forced to live together? – By Vaughan Bell – Slate Magazine – This may be the nearest we can get to revelation—the understanding that our most cherished beliefs could be wrong.
- Playing Hooky a.k.a. web hooks – So what are web hooks? Lets start with examples, followed by theory, and then cap it off with code.
- LincityWiki – LinCity-NG is a city simulation game. It is a polished and improved version of the classic LinCity game. In the game, you are required to build and maintain a city. You can win the game either by building a sustainable economy or by evacuating all citizens with spaceships.
Bookmarks for April 27th through May 20th
May 20th, 2010These are my links for April 27th through May 20th:
- About Flaxo – Flaxo is a Flash-based interpreter for Interactive Fiction (IF) games compiled for Infocom's Z-Machine, versions 1-8 (except version 6).
- goosh – Project Hosting on Google Code – Terminal-style web shell for Google services (and others)
JS/UIX – Terminal – JS/UIX is an UN*X-like OS for standard web-browsers, written
entirely in JavaScript (no plug-ins used). It comprises a vir-
tual machine, shell, virtual file-system, process-management,
and brings its own terminal with screen- and keyboard-mapping. - The Totalitarian Buddhist Who Beat Sim City « Viceland Games –
- World Geodetic System – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – The World Geodetic System is a standard for use in cartography, geodesy, and navigation. It comprises a standard coordinate frame for the Earth, a standard spheroidal reference surface (the datum or reference ellipsoid) for raw altitude data, and a gravitational equipotential surface (the geoid) that defines the nominal sea level.
- The Improbability Pump – So why is it contemptible to reject germ theory but socially acceptable to reject evolutionary theory?
Google Reader
May 17th, 2010“what’s next,” these days, is always a cloud, not a single arrow.
via Google Reader.
Henry Blodget: “Facebook’s Approach To Innovation Is The Secret To Its Success” – Laughing Meme
May 17th, 2010Kellan dice:.
I’m really surprised we aren’t seeing more people writing and talking about what see as Facebook’s key competitive advantage: It’s a data driven company, which is nimble enough to act on that data.
Y enlaza a:
Google Reader 21
May 14th, 2010Writer Notes: Loose Ideas folders are great. Any half-formed idea that you think might have potential to become something someday? Type it into a .txt file of its own and fling it into a folder marked Loose Ideas. Make sure it’s linked to your backups. A Loose Ideas folder is saving for the future. One day, you’re going to find in that folder the exact thing you need at that moment, whether it be a new project or a bit of business that fixes the script or book in front of you.
via Google Reader 21.
451 Weeks – Click Nothing
May 4th, 2010Pride burns into hubris. Willingness wilts into desperation. Confidence slows to stubbornness. Passion boils into anger. Each of these faults and others – without care and constant self-examination – risk becoming habits.
Eternal feedback loops
April 29th, 2010Oh, and you can get things to a state of readiness, but you (almost never) can finish things up, for websites ain’t products, but processes trapped in an eternal feedback loop.
I know it’s in bad taste to quote oneself, but this sentence came fully-formed from my head while I was updating the for Peer Couture, and, english grammar mistakes and misspellings notwithstanding, I believe it to be a true, if not very original, reflection. Websites are much better understood when you frame them in terms of processes, flows and streams, compared with a static, frozen, ‘objectified’ if you will, frame of reference.
More later, maybe, for now I’ve got an invite system to code!
gist: 372223 – GitHub
April 20th, 2010Bookmarks for April 9th through April 19th
April 19th, 2010These are my links for April 9th through April 19th:
- Mr Jones Watches –
- jsplumb – Project Hosting on Google Code – This jQuery plugin provides a means for a developer to visually connect elements on their web page, in much the same way you might have seen on Yahoo Pipes. It uses Canvas in modern browsers, and Google's ExplorerCanvas script for stone-age browsers.
- OAuth Explained and What It Is Good For // RailsTips by John Nunemaker –
- AI4R :: Artificial Intelligence for Ruby – AI4R is a collection of ruby algorithms implementations, covering several Artificial intelligence fields, and simple practical examples using them. A Ruby playground for AI researchers.
jashmenn's apriori at master – GitHub – Ruby Apriori is a library to efficiently find item association rules within
large sets of transactions.