Author Archives: mort

Bookmarks for September 27th through October 5th

These are my links for September 27th through October 5th: You Can't Have a Receipt for your Taxes – A Healthy Information Diet – – Video thumbnails with FFmpeg and Paperclip – Ruby on Rails, JRuby, AWS, EC2, Exalead … Continue reading

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Bookmarks for September 14th through September 24th

These are my links for September 14th through September 24th: Writing modular HTTP client code with Faraday | Adventures In Coding – The SMAQ stack for big data – O'Reilly Radar – Regarding Foursquare and Please Rob Me – … Continue reading

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Bookmarks for August 4th through September 13th

These are my links for August 4th through September 13th: 500 Internal Server Error – 500 Internal Server Error (My) RSpec best practices and tips | EggsOnBread – Smoothie Charts – Smoothie Charts is a really small charting library designed … Continue reading

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Bookmarks for July 30th through July 31st

These are my links for July 30th through July 31st: | Xbox Engineering Blog – jbr's node-resque at master – GitHub – Aaron Reed – Experiment 1 — 1 of 1 – Building a content aggregation service with node.js … Continue reading

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Bookmarks for July 27th through July 28th

These are my links for July 27th through July 28th: Paul Gross's Blog – Node.js, redis, and resque – Redis tutorial, April 2010 – by Simon Willison – Big Data in Real-Time at Twitter – Quora – What are the … Continue reading

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Bookmarks for June 16th through July 7th

These are my links for June 16th through July 7th: K-means and K-means++ with Python – 素心如何天上月 (Yong Sun's Blog) – Scott Rutherford › Simple Rails Oauth Functional & Integration Testing – Simple IF Interfaces – Horace Torys – idmillington's … Continue reading

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Playing Columbine – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Playing Columbine is a 2008 American documentary film produced and edited by Danny Ledonne, an American independent filmmaker. The film follows the controversial video game Super Columbine Massacre RPG! in which players experience the Columbine High School massacre through the … Continue reading

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Bookmarks for June 10th through June 15th

These are my links for June 10th through June 15th: skozlov's netzke at master – GitHub – Netzke is a framework facilitating creation of reusable and extendable Ext JS + Rails components (widgets), plus a set of ready-to-use components to … Continue reading

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Bookmarks for June 1st through June 9th

These are my links for June 1st through June 9th: How to turn your rails site into an OAuth Provider – Stake Ventures – Exploring OAuth-Protected APIs :: Drive-by Digressions – Quickstart – Overview – Quickstart – OpenAmplify – The … Continue reading

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Method of loci – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The method of loci (plural of Latin locus for place or location), also called the memory palace, is a general designation for mnemonic techniques that rely on memorised spatial relationships to establish, order and recollect memorial content. The term is … Continue reading

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