Bookmarks for December 30th through January 11th
by mort
These are my links for December 30th through January 11th:
- Strange Horizons Articles: Searching Under the Rug: Interfaces, Puzzles, and the Evolution of Adventure Games, by Mark Newheiser – What decades of evolution have done for the genre is refine the user interface. The genre's improvements are largely independent of the technology used and have gradually evolved in response to user feedback and designers' efforts to make the puzzles clear yet challenging. The evolution of that interface, alongside an explanation of what an adventure game fundamentally is, will be the focus of this article.
- Chapter 4. Animation –
- Lost Garden: Danc's Miraculously Flexible Game Prototyping Graphics for Small Worlds –
- Installing Etherpad | Pauleira! –
- the selfish solution to gridlock « Our Delhi Struggle –