Bookmarks for January 10th through January 11th
by mort
These are my links for January 10th through January 11th:
- Sonar – Sonar is an open platform to manage code quality.
- Mobile Devices and Rails: Maintaining your Sanity – –
- google-url – Project Hosting on Google Code – A small library for parsing and canonicalizing URLs.
- a general theory of magic (9 January 2011, Interconnected) – There seems to be something really human about these magical associations, something that I share. Like: a stolen object carries bad luck. Or: an object dropped into a clean toilet (to be crude about things!) will always be dirty, dirtier even then a piece of food dropped onto an uncleaned kitchen floor. Or, try this: draw a picture of a friend, then burn the paper. It's difficult to do so, the paper has become sacred.
- RORY HYDE PROJECTS / BLOG » Blog Archive » ‘Know No Boundaries’: an interview with Matt Webb of BERG London –