Bookmarks for February 16th through February 19th

by mort

These are my links for February 16th through February 19th:

  • Seasonally Adjusting Data – DataBasics – FRB Dallas – Most statisticians, economists and government agencies that report data use a method called the X12 procedure to adjust data for seasonal patterns. The X12 procedure and its predecessor X11, which is still widely used, were developed by the U.S. Census Bureau. [1] When applied to a data series, the X12 process first estimates effects that occur in the same month every year with similar magnitude and direction. These estimates are the “seasonal” components of the data series. In addition, the procedure estimates the “trend-cycle” and “irregular” components. The trend-cycle component is the series' long-term tendency to grow or decline and can fluctuate because of the economic trends or other long-term cyclical factors. The irregular component comes from unseasonable weather, natural disasters, strikes or sampling error. The goal of the seasonal adjustment procedure is to separate out the seasonal component, leaving the trend-cycle and irregular components.
  • ruby-protobuf – Project Hosting on Google Code – Protocol Buffers for Ruby.
  • Protocol Buffers and Hadoop at Twitter – How Twitter uses Hadoop and Protocol Buffers for efficient, flexible data storage and fast MapReduce/Pig jobs.
  • LivingStoryFormat – living-stories – An introduction to the core principles and best practices of the living story format. – Project Hosting on Google Code – Living Stories are a new format for presenting and consuming online news. The basic idea of a living story is to combine all of the news coverage on a running story on a single page. Every day, instead of writing a new article on the story that sits at a new URL and contains some new developments and some old background, a living story resides at a permanent URL, that is updated regularly with new developments. This makes it easier for readers to get the latest updates on the stories that interest them, as well as to review deeper background materials that are relevant for a story's context.
  • brianmario's yajl-ruby at master – GitHub – This gem is a C binding to the excellent YAJL JSON parsing and generation library.
  • File: README [Rainbows! Unicorn for sleepy apps and slow clients] – Rainbows! is an HTTP server for sleepy Rack applications. It is based on Unicorn, but designed to handle applications that expect long request/response times and/or slow clients. For Rack applications not heavily bound by slow external network dependencies, consider Unicorn instead as it simpler and easier to debug.
  • Fork JavaScript – Fork is a general purpose, namespaced JavaScript library with Ajax, Events, DOM manipulation. There are a few bonus lines of code specifically for use with Ruby on Rails but Fork can be happily used outside of Rails also.