To watch, vol I. Una lista de documentales para principios de 2010.

by mort

Me he dado cuenta de que tengo tantos documentales pendientes de ver que necesito algún tipo de lista para no perder constantemente de vista alguno, así que la he redactado un poco por si a alguien le sirve para descubrir algo interesante. Tengo muchas esperanzas en todas las obras de la lista.

Stephen Fry: The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive
Stephen Fry, él mismo diagnosticado con bipolaridad, intentando entender y explicar en qué consiste esta enfermedad.
The Ascent of Money

This groundbreaking four-part series examines the creation of the economic system by taking viewers on a global trek through the history of money. (An abbreviated version of the documentary, which focused on the current economic crisis at the advent of the Obama administration, aired in January; it can be streamed in full on the Website.) The four-hour version delves deeper into how the complex system of global finance evolved over the centuries, how money has shaped the course of human affairs and how the mechanics of this economic system work to create seemingly unlimited wealth — or catastrophic loss.

The Century of the Self

“This series is about how those in power have used Freud’s theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy.” – Adam Curtis’ introduction to the first episode. (Wikipedia)

The Mindscape Of Alan Moore

Alan Moore presents the story of his development as an artist, starting with his childhood and working through to his comics career and impact on that medium, and his emerging interest in magic. (Wikipedia)

A Brilliant Madness: The Story of John Nash

The program features interviews with John Nash, his wife Alicia, his friends and colleagues, and experts in game theory and mental illness.(PBS)

Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade

In the eighties, video games were synonymous with arcades, and games were bringing in enough quarters to fill the Rose Bowl. This led Iowa entrepreneur Walter Day to declare himself the sole authority on high scores. In 1982, Day launched his Twin Galaxies International Scoreboard. Teenage superstars came from all over North America to join Walter in a LIFE Magazine feature spread, which recognized them as video game world champions. This led to the nationally televised 1982 Video Game World Championships, a touring National Video Game Team, and the promise of fame, fortune and groupies.

The film revisits Day and the LIFE players, now middle-aged men, as they reminisce on the arcade scene, its demise, and the dreams that crashed with it.

Según tengo entendido, bastante superior al similar y más famoso The King of Kong, que también tengo pendiente de ver.
Tilt, the Battle to Save Pinball
La historia del proyecto (fallido) de uno de los últimos fabricantes de máquinas de pinball de crear un modelo revolucionario y que salvase la empresa y toda la industria. Disponible en el sitio web.
Acabo de enterarme de que hay otro par de documentales recientes sobre pinballs, para investigar: Special When Lit y The Pinball Passion
Trinity and Beyond
Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie is a 1995 American documentary film directed by Peter Kuran and narrated by William Shatner. Using restored archive footage, the film traces the development of nuclear weapons and their testing, from America’s Trinity test of 1945 (hence the title) to the first Chinese atomic bomb test in 1964. (Wikipedia)