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Shakuhachi Tips Wiki | Tips / Jo Ha Kyu

Jo-ha-kyu is the essential form in all traditional Japanese temporal arts. From a quiet beginning (jo) we proceed to a more complex middle section (ha) and then on to a fast conclusion (kyu) followed by a final brief stasis. The great Noh creator and theorist Zeami likened jo-ha-kyu to a small stream that becomes a [...]

¿Qué puedes comprar con cinco dólares?

Una meditación simple pero efectiva sobre muy distintos estilos y condiciones de vida: Five dollar comparison. Aquí, una presentación sobre el proyecto en el Design Engaged de 2008: Raphael Grignani Design Engaged 08 View more presentations from Raphael Grignani.

Mi setup para tomar notas

Notational Velocity en el ordenador de la oficina y en el portatil con el fichero de datos compartido en Dropbox + sincronización activada con Simplenote en el iPhone = notas siempre conmigo.

índica. océanos de contenido » Blog Archive » Diseñando para el usuario 0™ [es]

Cuando defines wireframes para algo que tendrá cierta interacción social, suele ocurrir que tus propuestas son lanzadas considerando a un montón de usuarios, todos participando activamente, con sus perfiles completos, etc. La actividad que se refleja en tus propuestas es frenética. Pero no defines para el “usuario 0″, ese que llega de los primeros (seguramente [...]

Flickr Photos now in Bing Maps … « geobloggers

Yahoo, who has direct access to all the photos and metadata, including extra EXIF data that you can’t get via the API, it’s just sitting there on the disks … isn’t … you may notice, producing any tech demos, or videos of its latest research. via Flickr Photos now in Bing Maps … « geobloggers.

Bookmarks for February 10th through February 12th

These are my links for February 10th through February 12th: xeerkat – Project Hosting on Google Code – Xeerkat is a P2P computing framework that utilizes XMPP as a communication protocol. The basic model is that of a agent computing where an agent runs a number of services that available to peers. Each service is [...]

Mind Hacks: The burglar with the lemon juice disguise

In 1995, McArthur Wheeler walked into two Pittsburgh banks and robbed them in broad daylight, with no visible attempt at disguise. He was arrested later that night, less than an hour after videotapes of him taken from surveillance cameras were broadcast on the 11 o'clock news. When police later showed him the surveillance tapes, Mr. [...]