
Ni una idea original


Desde que hace bastante años empecé a leer el Ftrain de Paul Ford, pocas personas me causan tanta admoremoción (amiración+amor+emoción), como lo que hace este poeta / escritor / hacker. Además de los joyas en prosa de su blog, es capaz de concebir y ejecutar cosas como el archivo de Harper’s Magazine, que son a [...]

Benlog » Don’t Hash Secrets

What you should be using is HMAC: Hash-function Message Authentication Code. You don’t need to know exactly how it works, just like you don’t need to know exactly how SHA1 works. You just need to know that HMAC is specifically built for message authentication codes and the use case of SuperAnnoyingPoke/MyFace. Under the hood, what’s [...]

Computer Aided Architectural Design | neonascent

The computer isn’t a magic box. Just because the computer does something – something emergent – doesn’t mean that the conditions of emergence will be in any way productive of anything useful. via Computer Aided Architectural Design | neonascent.

Gamasutra: Mark Newheiser’s Blog – Farmville, Social Gaming, and Addiction

The genius in how Farmville has succeed in getting so many people addicted comes down to how it handles commitments on a player's time: every time you play Farmville and plant a crop, you're making a commitment to come back during a 12 hour window or so to harvest your crop, or else you forfeit [...]

Design and Designed Failures

Me ha encantado esta presentación de Nicola Nova sobre el estudio contextual de los fallos en productos y servicios, y la introducción deliberada de fallos como herramienta de diseño: Design and Designed Failures: From Observing Failurs To Provoking Them View more documents from nicolas nova.