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Thomas Hobbes – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Born prematurely on April 5, 1588, when his mother heard of the coming invasion of the Spanish Armada, Thomas Hobbes later reported that “my mother gave birth to twins: myself and fear.” via Thomas Hobbes – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Infovore » Eurogamer in 2009: Score Analysis

It’s relatively straightforward: a small app to explore a year’s worth of review scores, built around the pillars of reviews, writers, and scores. Most blue things are clickable; writers have pages that show their reviews, as well as their own averages, deviance from EG’s norm, and the scale of their contribution to the overall average. [...]

4294967295 and MySQL INT(20) Syntax Blows – Laughing Meme

If you’re ever debugging a problem and you see the number 42-mumble-mumble-mumble-7295 you’ve run out of 32-bit storage. If you see 2-mumble-mumble-mumble-647 (2147483647) you’ve run out of signed 32-bit storage. 167-mumble-mumble-15 (16777215) you’ve run out of 24-bits and 65-mumble-mumble-35 (65535) you’ve run out of 16-bits of integers. via 4294967295 and MySQL INT(20) Syntax Blows – [...]